Personality quiz results!

Quiz 1: Mint chocolate chip

Like mint chocolate chip, one of the top ten ice cream flavors in the United States, people crave time with you. Friends and family enjoy your sense of humor and zest for life. And as with this minty flavor, you’re completely refreshing.

Quiz 2: Greek God

You’ve been known to enjoy a tasty snack now and then—that’s because you’re Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. You have a talent for whipping up tasty treats in the kitchen—and you definitely have a talent for enjoying them! But it’s not just food you love—you’re kind and caring, always looking out for the people who matter most to you.

Quiz 3:

You speak up and others listen, and you’re boldly up for any adventure with your many friends. An early bedtime just isn’t your thing. When the sun goes down, you start to shine.

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